Procter & Gamble main & final mix tank in Huangpu, China
Inside Castrol plant in China
Arco Chemicals, Singapore
Client / Location | Project Description |
Shell Oil and Petrochemical Co., Ltd. / Tianjin | EPC Contract for Base Oil Tank Farm Extension, 2007 |
Shell Oil and Petrochemical Co., Ltd. / Zhejiang | EPC Contract for Base Oil Tank Farm Extension and Turbo Oil Lube Plant, 2007 |
Castrol Shenzhen Co., Ltd.  / Shenzhen | Front-End Engineering Design Package and EPCM for a 25,000 t/a Lube Oil Blending Plant, 1998 |
Castrol Indonesia /  Merak | Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management for a 10,000 m.tons/year Lube Oil Blending Plant in Merak, Indonesia, 1998 |
Castrol (S) Pte Ltd / Singapore | Design and Build: 3-storey Office Building and 60,000 m.tons/year Lube Oil Blending Plant at Jalan Tepong, 1996 |
Shell Oil and Petrochemical Co Ltd / Tianjin | Core Process Design of a Lubricants Blending Plant, 2009 |
Shell Oil & Petrochemical Co Ltd / Zhejiang | Conceptual Design of a Lubricants Blending Plant, 2009 |
Shell Lubricants Co Ltd / Zhuhai | Preparation of Counter Bid PRD2 of a Lubricants Blending Plant, 2008 |
Shell Oil & Petrochemical Co Ltd  / Zhejiang | EPC for New Turbo Oil Blending Plant, 2008 |
Shell Lubricants Co Ltd / Zhuhai | Core Process Design PRD2 of a Lubricants Blending Plant, 2007 | Shell Oil and Petrochemical Co Ltd / China | Conceptual Design for Pearl River Delta (PRD) LOBP, 2007 |
BP Industrial Lubricants Co Ltd / China | Front End Engineering Design for Lubricants Plant in Taicang, 2005 |
Total Huadong Lubricants Co Ltd / Zhenjiang | Conceptual Studies, Detailed Design and Modification Works for Zhenjiang Lube Oil Blending Plant, 2005 |
Shell Codamo Vietnam Ltd  / Vietnam | Civil works and erection of structural steel of Warehouse at Shell Go Dau Terminal, 2000 |
Esso Pte Ltd  / Singapore | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of H2S Scrubber System, 1999 |
Castrol China / Zhangjiagang | Environmental Assessment & Geotechnical Investigation for Lube Oil Blending Plant in Zhangjiagang,China, 1998 |
Castrol China Ltd / Shenzhen | Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management for a 20,000 m.tons/year LOBP in Shenzhen, China, 1998 |
Castrol China / Shenzhen | Front-End Engineering for a Lube Oil Blending Plant in Shenzhen, China, 1997 |
Far East Levingston / Vung Tau | M&E Consultancy Services for 19th storey PetroVienam Tower at Vung Tau , 1997 |
Premier Lubricants Co. Ltd / Thailand | Process Engineering Design for upgrading and debottle-necking of a 40,000t/yr Lube Oil Blending Plant for in Pathumthani, Thailand, 1996 |
Castrol China Ltd / Shenzhen | Feasibility Study for a New Lube Oil Blending Facility in Shenzhen, China, 1995 |
Esso Singapore Pte Ltd / Singapore | Front-End Engineering & Turnkey Contract for the Expansion and Modernisation of existing Esso Jurong Marketing Terminal Lube Oil Blending Plant at Jurong for (Contract No. 4508/93 and 4517/93), 1994 |
Castrol Singapore Pte Ltd / Singapore | Technical Audit Evaluation of a Lube Oil Blending Plant at Imexco Site, 1994 |
Mobil Oil Singapore Pte Ltd / Singapore | Design & Construction of Buildings (Sub-Stations & Satellite Instrument Houses) at Pioneer/Shipyard Road and Pulau Pesek, Singapore, 1993 |
Esso Singapore Pte Ltd / Singapore | Engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of Esso LOBP extension at Shipyard Rd, Singapore, 1992 |